Bitter melon White Long|长白苦瓜
Bitter melon White Long|长白苦瓜
Bitter melon White Long|长白苦瓜
Early to medium maturity, the fruit is long and cylindrical; the melon length is about 50 cm; the transverse diameter is about 7 cm. The melons are milky and self-colored with luster, and the plant is strongly branched, with a main vine length of 600 to 700 cm. The main vine length is 600 to 700 cm, and the leaf blade is palmate pentagonal, green, crisp, slightly bitter, good commercialization.
2.Temperature chart
温度 |
Germination 发芽温度 |
Growing/生长温度 |
Sprout time 发芽需要时间 day/天 |
Poor 生长不良 |
Slow 缓慢 |
Optimal 最佳 |
Tolerable 可忍受 |
F |
80~90 |
<50 |
<60 |
68~86 |
>95 |
3~6 |
°C |
25~28 |
<10 |
<15 |
20~28 |
>32 |
3. Description of the seeding process
播种/育苗 苦瓜需要进行催芽处理,方法一:水温25℃~30℃浸泡1 2小时以上直到种子沉入底;方法二,剪/磕开种子尖端,泡水6小时;捞出种子洗净,用湿除用纸包好,装入不封口的塑料袋里,置于温暖处(27~32℃)催芽,2~5天发芽后转移到育苗盆里。放在温暖阳光充足的地方。等3~4片子叶生成后,移栽到地里。 种植管理 苦瓜长藤时引蔓上架,主侧蔓都可以结果,确保水肥充足适当剪去弱病枝;光照充足通风良好有利于开花结果。 收获 苦瓜变黄前摘最好,苦瓜嫩枝也可食用。 |
Sowing/seed starting Bitter melon should be germinated Care Direct vines on to trellis. lt will fruit on both main and side vines. Remove weak and silk vines if needed. Plenty direct sunlight and good ventilation help better flowering and fruiting. Harvest Harvest bitter melon fruit before it turns yellow. Bitter melon young shoots are also edible. |